From The Blog

Maryland’s Cash Assistance Program is Not Always Enough to Keep Families From Becoming Homeless

Families receiving Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA), Maryland’s equivalent of the federal Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) program, are one of the most economically marginalized groups in the state. Even though these parents and their children are receiving assistance from the state to navigate a

Maryland Ranks 22st Nationally in Measures of Child Well-Being As Students Test Scores Drop Amid Rise in Chronic Absenteeism  

Maryland children, particularly those living in poverty and children of color, are facing significant challenges, which prior to the COVID-19 pandemic had been trending in the wrong direction but has been markedly exposed in its aftermath. A precipitous fall in fourth grade reading and eighth

Immigrants Are Critical to a Healthy Economy in Maryland But Face Barriers to Opportunity

Maryland’s immigrant communities are driving economic and population growth in the state, according to a report the Office of the Comptroller recently published. But while immigration positively impacts communities in Maryland and across the U.S., immigrants face significant barriers that make it harder to immigrate