Governor Hogan Says No To The Red Line

July 15, 2015 by Mark Scott
Baltimore City will receive none of the $2 billion dollars Governor Hogan pledged to spend on transit in the state read more

One of The Strongest Paid Sick Leave Policies In The Nation Becomes Law in Montgomery County

July 13, 2015 by Mark Scott
Working Families in Montgomery County got a big boost when County Executive Ike Leggett signed a new paid sick leave read more

Maryland Begins New Budget Year With Much Still to Be Determined

July 1, 2015 by Mark Scott
The new state budget takes effect July 1 with a number of important details as yet still undecided – leaving read more

Key Tax Credits Help Working Fathers and Boost Maryland Economy

June 19, 2015 by Mark Scott
The approach of  Father’s Day is a good time to recognize the importance of two key tax policies that help read more

With Affordable Care Act Comes Big Jump In Marylanders With Health Insurance

May 20, 2015 by Mark Scott
The share of Marylanders with health insurance grew at nearly twice the national rate over the past year, showing the read more

High Cost of Higher Education

May 14, 2015 by Kathleen Algire-Fedarcyk
The increasing cost of higher education forces many Marylanders to borrow large sums to finance their education, creating a drag read more

Productivity and Real Hourly Compensation

May 6, 2015 by Mark Scott
For much of the 20th century, workers increased their productivity and were compensated accordingly, but today’s workers aren’t so lucky. read more

Baltimore’s school lunches reveal the city beneath the riots

May 1, 2015 by Benjamin Orr
Benjamin Orr is the executive director of the Maryland Center on Economic Policy. A Baltimore resident, he said his drive read more

Maryland Immigrants Pay Millions into State Revenue System and Contributions Increase Post Immigration Reform

April 16, 2015 by Kathleen Algire-Fedarcyk
Undocumented workers already pay many local and state taxes, particularly the sale tax and property tax. Two recent executive actions read more

Tax Day 2015! Let’s Celebrate Our Investments

April 15, 2015 by Kathleen Algire-Fedarcyk
On April 15th our taxes are due and it’s a good time to pause and consider what we’ve invested in. read more
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