Policy Topics

For Many Marylanders, Prosperity is Still Out of Reach

August 28, 2017 by Ellen Hutton
Marylanders overall tend to fare better financially than the average American, according to the latest Prosperity Now Scorecard. However, even read more

Trump Tax Framework Would Give Away Trillions in Tax Breaks to Millionaires

August 24, 2017 by Christopher Meyer
The Trump administration and congressional leaders are gearing up to overhaul the federal tax code this fall. While many of read more

After the Defeat of ACA Repeal Efforts, Medicaid is Still Under Threat

August 9, 2017 by Ellen Hutton
Federal funding for Medicaid remains under threat from proposals to drastically restructure it, even though most Americans oppose significant funding read more

Tenants Facing Eviction Deserve a Level Playing Field in Court

August 7, 2017 by Ellen Hutton
For low-income families throughout Maryland, finding an affordable place to live is an uphill battle. Rent has skyrocketed, three-quarters of read more

Federal Actions Could Still Threaten Maryland’s Gains Under Affordable Care Act

August 1, 2017 by Benjamin Orr
Testimony of Maryland Center on Economic Policy Executive Director Benjamin Orr to the Maryland Health Insurance Coverage Protection Commission, Aug. read more

Education Experts: ‘Maryland Does Not Do Well on Funding Equity’

July 28, 2017 by Christopher Meyer
Maryland needs to strengthen its commitment to providing an excellent education to the state’s highest-need students. This was the message read more

Repealing the Affordable Care Act Without a Replacement Would Leave Even More Without Insurance

July 19, 2017 by Ellen Hutton
This week, two additional Republican senators came out against the Senate healthcare bill, leaving it with too few votes to read more

Scheduled Minimum Wage Bump Helps Working Marylanders, Doesn’t Go Far Enough

June 29, 2017 by Christopher Meyer
Many of Maryland’s lowest-paid workers will get a pay raise Saturday thanks to a scheduled increase in the state’s minimum read more

Trump Budget Proposal Threatens Needed Investments in Western Maryland

June 28, 2017 by Christopher Meyer
The President’s budget calls for deep cuts to federal services that support Maryland’s economy and the economy of Western Maryland read more

Maryland Families Would Lose Access to Affordable Housing Under Trump’s Budget

June 16, 2017 by Ellen Hutton
President Trump’s budget proposal includes significant, damaging cuts to housing and community development programs. These programs help seniors, veterans, individuals read more
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