Policy Topics

Cutting the Corporate Income Tax Will Not Bring Broad Prosperity to Maryland (Snapshot)

January 22, 2014 by Sean Miskell
The Cost of a Corporate Tax Cut is Not Worth the Price Creating the conditions for a strong state economy read more

Cutting the Corporate Income Tax Will Not Bring Broad Prosperity to Maryland

January 22, 2014 by Sean Miskell
A corporate income tax cut would rob Maryland of crucial resources for higher education, transportation and other services vital to read more

Instant Analysis of the Proposed FY 2015 Budget

January 20, 2014 by MDCEP
Governor O’Malley introduced his Fiscal Year (FY) 2015 budget plan on January 15th, which will be the last budget proposed read more

Cutting the Corporate Income Tax Will Not Bring Broad Prosperity to Maryland

January 14, 2014 by Sean Miskell
The Cost of a Corporate Tax Cut is Not Worth the Price  Creating the conditions for a strong state economy read more

Proposed FY 2015 Budget: $41 Billion

January 11, 2014 by MDCEP
What’s In It for You, Your Family, and Your Community? Earlier this month, Governor O’Malley introduced the state’s $43 billion read more

Choices & Challenges: State and Federal Budget Outlook

January 6, 2014 by Benjamin Orr
Budget Deal, But Work Remains Congress passed budget, easing sequestration by about 1/3 over next two years Deal extends some read more

Advocates line up in defense of Maryland taxes

November 10, 2013 by MDCEP
Election-year calls for tax cuts trigger campaigns to keep them Defending taxes “is part of the conversation right now,” said read more
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