Policy Topics

Healthy Revenue Forecast Is an Opportunity to Strengthen Maryland Communities

October 3, 2022 by Christopher Meyer
The Board of Revenue Estimates’ September update showed continuing fiscal strength alongside economic uncertainty. Our healthy revenue outlook and substantial read more

Romney Child Tax Credit Plan Would Leave Many Maryland Families Worse Off

September 8, 2022 by Christopher Meyer
The federal child tax credit (CTC) improves quality of life for millions of children across the United States, and expansions read more

New Maryland Data Show the Pandemic’s Toll on the Mental Health and Well-Being of Children and Families

August 8, 2022 by Kali Schumitz
There is an urgent need to address youth mental health as 1 in 8 young people in Maryland deal with read more

2022 KIDS COUNT® Data Book Released

August 8, 2022 by MDCEP
KIDS COUNT® (LA INFANCIA CUENTA™) is a national network, coordinated by the Annie E. Casey Foundation, that provides legislators, public read more

KIDS COUNT: Maryland’s Children Are Experiencing Higher Rates of Anxiety and Depression

August 8, 2022 by Nonso Umunna
Content note: This post references data points related to suicide. Maryland ranks 19th in child well-being according to the 2022 read more

Radical Tax Cut Proposal Would Spell Disaster for Baltimore

July 27, 2022 by Christopher Meyer
  NOTE: An updated analysis of the 2024 proposal is now available A recently unveiled plan to slash Baltimore City’s read more

Maryland Families Need a Strong, Permanent Child Tax Credit

July 15, 2022 by Christopher Meyer
With today’s state filing deadline putting taxes on many Marylanders’ minds, there’s no better time to remind policymakers of the read more

Multi-Layered Approach Needed to Put Homeownership Within Reach of All Marylanders

June 30, 2022 by Taneeka Richardson
Homeownership is a key source of wealth building and is often the foundation for one’s life. Unfortunately, the lack of read more

We Can Do More to Support Maryland’s 500,000+ LGBTQ+ Residents

June 30, 2022 by Christopher Meyer
LGBTQ+ Marylanders are integral members of communities across our state. Maryland is home to more than half a million LGBTQ+ read more

To Make the Most of Maryland’s 2020 Budget Reform, Focus on Transparency, Inclusion, and Prudence

June 30, 2022 by Christopher Meyer
Thanks to a voter-passed 2020 amendment to the Maryland Constitution, lawmakers in 2023 will have a more meaningful say in read more
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