
Approved Budget Cuts Reflect Maryland’s Misplaced Priorities

July 3, 2014 by Sean Miskell
The $84 million in budget cuts and adjustments the state Board of Public Works approved yesterday make it harder for read more

Approved Budget Cuts Hinder Maryland’s Ability to Invest in Higher Education and Other Necessities

July 2, 2014 by MDCEP
Benjamin Orr, Executive Director of the Maryland Center on Economic Policy, issued the following statement today in response to Governor read more

MD’ers Fleeing from State and Local Taxes? Not So Fast.

May 13, 2014 by Sean Miskell
While anti-tax groups like to draw on diffuse arguments that Maryland’s state and local tax levels are driving people out read more

More Investment is Needed in MD Higher Education as College Debt Rises

May 2, 2014 by Sean Miskell
Investment in Maryland’s colleges and universities remains lower than before the recession, according to a report by the Center on read more

Governor Releases $172 Million Supplemental Budget as Legislative Action Heats Up; Additional $32 Million for Cold Weather Effects

April 2, 2014 by MDCEP
After a freezing winter, warmer weather has finally arrived and budget action heats up this week in Annapolis. On Tuesday, read more

The EITC Cannot Fight Poverty Alone

March 28, 2014 by Sean Miskell
The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) is a powerful tool for helping low-income working families, but to effectively raise Marylanders read more

House of Cards or Race to the Bottom?

March 26, 2014 by Sean Miskell
While the series ‘‘House of Cards’’ depicts politics as a deeply corrupt charade in which key players scheme and backstab read more

Earned Income Tax Credit Legislation Would Improve an Already Effective Tool

March 20, 2014 by Sean Miskell
Maryland’s General Assembly has a unique opportunity to help the working poor in a variety of ways this session—including by read more

Statement in Support of HB 198 – EITC Expansion

March 19, 2014 by Benjamin Orr
Increasing Maryland’s Refundable EIC Would Reduce Inequality Given before the Senate Budget and Taxation Committee The Maryland Center on Economic read more

Senate's Budget Relies on Short Term Solutions at the Expense of Long-term Investment

March 19, 2014 by MDCEP
While the recently passed Senate budgetavoids large cuts to services, the Senate plan includes unwise and unnecessary spending cuts and read more
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