
Undocumented Immigrants Pay Hundreds of Millions in State Taxes; Full Citizenship Would Benefit the State Even More

March 24, 2016 by MDCEP
By Mark Scott Undocumented immigrants are an important part Maryland’s economy. They make a significant contribution to the state’s public read more

Accepting Refugees Would Benefit Maryland’s Economy

November 19, 2015 by Mark Scott
Governor Larry Hogan and the now more than two dozen governors who have said they intend to block Syrian refugees read more

Maryland Immigrants Pay Millions into State Revenue System and Contributions Increase Post Immigration Reform

April 16, 2015 by Kathleen Algire-Fedarcyk
Undocumented workers already pay many local and state taxes, particularly the sale tax and property tax. Two recent executive actions read more

Immigration Reform Boosts Maryland Economy

November 26, 2014 by Kathleen Algire-Fedarcyk
The country and state will reap economic benefits from President Obama’s action on immigration reform. Making more than 3 million read more

After the 2014 Legislative Session: More Work to Do

April 22, 2014 by Sean Miskell
While the General Assembly should be commended for taking several steps to improve the lives of working Marylanders and their read more

Statement in Support of HB 29 – Law Enforcement Trust Act

March 6, 2014 by Sean Miskell
Carrying out federal immigration detention requests costs money that can be better used elsewhere Given before the House Judiciary Committee read more

Statement in Support of SB 554 – Law Enforcement Trust Act

February 27, 2014 by Sean Miskell
Carrying out federal immigration detention requests costs money that can be better used elsewhere Given before the Judicial Proceedings Committee read more

Proposal Would Improve Use of Local Law Enforcement Resources

February 27, 2014 by Sean Miskell
The federal government’s increasing reliance on state and local enforcement of immigration policies is costing Maryland money that could be read more

Maryland Pays High Costs for Federal Immigration Enforcement

February 1, 2014 by Sean Miskell
Jailing suspected undocumented immigrants at the request of federal officials costs Maryland and its localities hundreds of thousands of dollars read more
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