state budget

Study Finds Many Large Corporation are Not Paying their Fair Share; Proposed Legislation Would Help

March 20, 2014 by Sean Miskell
While state lawmakers in Annapolis discuss cutting important services and investments in an effort to balance Maryland’s state budget, we read more

Streamlining New Medicaid Enrollments a Win-Win for Maryland

March 14, 2014 by Sean Miskell
Lawmakers in Annapolis have the opportunity to provide more Marylanders with health coverage and make state government more efficient at read more

Recommended Cuts Threaten Maryland’s Prosperity; Alternatives Needed

February 28, 2014 by MDCEP
As a flurry of recommended cuts by state fiscal analysts come down like quickly falling snow it’s becoming ever more read more

Proposal Would Improve Use of Local Law Enforcement Resources

February 27, 2014 by Sean Miskell
The federal government’s increasing reliance on state and local enforcement of immigration policies is costing Maryland money that could be read more
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